Slow Life Down

The last few months have been crazy, and recently life has been even more hectic. So that explains my long absence. I am a college student. And this is mostly an update post.


I cut all my hair off! That sounds really extreme. It’s long-ish in the front with bangs and stuff, but the back is short. I’m in love with it. It is crazy nice to not have to worry about doing my hair every day. Once in a while I get a little nostalgic for my long, long hair but I don’t regret cutting it at all.


I got a job! I am currently working at a coffee shop as a barista and I actually love it. I work about three days a week, for long shifts and it’s perfect. I drink a lot more coffee now, though. Whoops.


School is hard. I mean that. College is so, so hard. Not just the classes themselves, but the constant worry if you’re supposed to be turning something in, or if you need to go to bed now because you have class. Going to class in itself is hard enough, to be honest. And so is finding food for a reasonable amount. And so is having any money, ever. Blah.


I get to go back home for Christmas! I am so excited. Seriously. I love Christmas so much already and now I get to see everyone I love and celebrate it and seriously I could go on forever because I love everything about Christmas. Only sad part is I won’t be able to see Cody for 3 weeks, but we’ve been apart for 6 months before so this should be nothing.

Does anyone know what I should get Cody for Christmas? Today is our 9 month anniversary and I have no clue what to get him. Any ideas or help or whatever would be appreciated. (:


I have been feeling sort of sick every time I eat lately. Does anyone know why this could be? I eat sort of well but to be honest it could be a lot better. If you have anything that might help I would really appreciate that too.


You guys are so lovely, and I’m very sorry for how long I’ve been taking in between posts. I swear I’ll get better.


What I’ve Been Up To

For whatever reason, lately I’ve been feeling very non-inspired as far as writing goes, but in the mean time I’ll tell y’all about my last week.

Last Sunday I got to play with my worship team at church. I played acoustic guitar for basically an hour straight and it was so nice to be able to worship God all while doing something I love.

All last week I was a 1st grade group leader at the VBS at my church. Those kids stole my heart within a day. I’ll attach pictures I took throughout the week at the bottom. We heard bible stories and learned motions to a few songs and played games and made crafts. Getting to interact with them all week was such a blessing and I was actually really sad when it ended on Friday. It makes me so excited for my future and the fact that I’ll get to work with kids like that everyday as my living is something that I can’t wait for.

This past weekend I went camping with some friends! It was so fun. The first night we played cards and corn hole and sang songs and had bonfires. We were up way too late and I’m sure we disturbed all of the other campers. Then yesterday we got up early, ate breakfast and rented these fishing boats for the day. We went out on them for a few hours and that was the hardest I’ve laughed in a really long time. Let’s just say, somehow, some people’s tops were taken off and they had to jump into the lake before anyone could see. I am sore and sunburned today, though but it’s a small price to pay. Then after we got back, everyone kind of chilled out for a while, until everyone decided to play capture the flag until dinner was ready. My team won and we walked back to camp winded and hungry. For dinner we cooked Kabasa sausage, carrots and potatoes on the fire and we all pigged out. Due to my impending departure from home, I came home after dinner so that I could sleep in my own bed and get something done today.

I didn’t really get anything done today, to be honest, except painting my nails. I did, however, get a call from my university saying they’re looking at me for an on-campus job! This would seriously be the ideal job for me, at least for the time being and I’m hoping for it so much. I’ll update y’all on that when I find out about it.

Other than all of that, I’m pretty much just getting ready to leave. It’s 9 days away and I’m a massive tornado of emotion. I can’t wait to get there but I am sad to leave friends and family here. It’s necessary though, that now I begin a new chapter of my life. There’s so much ahead of me and even though a lot of it is unknown, it’s exciting to know that I’ll have amazing people with me through all of it.

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This is Carson and Schaler. They were in my VBS class and they were about to play a tag game where everyone puts a sock on their head with a ball in the end and if someone takes yours, you’re out. They were excited.

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Schaler was making this face like this and Carson was frozen too, and when I could finally get them to tell me what they were doing, Carson said they were playing the “Freeze Game” and that’s why he couldn’t tell me before because he didn’t want to lose.

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This is the “tattoo” Taylor drew for me. There were many more. I don’t think the sharpie is ever coming off.

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This is our little tatted gang called HALT because Hannah, Amanda, Lauren and Taylor.

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And finally this was our bonfire.


Hope y’all had a great start to your week and I will be back to update you on more things soon!


So lately a lot of my posts have been deep or dark and I apologize! So I’d like to update y’all on what’s been going on in my little life.

Relationship wise: Me and the boyfriend are wonderful as we can be. It’s been awhile now since I’ve seen him and that’s starting to make me a little sad, but I’ll see him in 18 days! I cannot believe it’s so soon now! Seriously. I’m freaking out. alskdjflaskjdlf.

Friendship wise: It was a real struggle before, to be honest, with quite a few friendships. But all of them have been mended. We’re all at a really pivotal time in our lives, and I think that got to all of us. With so much change, we all had to react some way. But everyone is good. I am sad, though, that my friend Morgan leaves this weekend for college! Hopefully I’ll be able to visit her before I leave. 

Hobby wise: I’ve been DIYing a bit. Today I bought a pair of white ked-looking shoes and got a black sharpie and drew Aztec print all over them. I gotta say, I’m proud of this one. Seriously I’ll attach a picture at the bottom.

Volunteering Wise: On Sunday I’ll be playing guitar during all the songs at church! It’s exciting to be able to worship God through the way I know best. Also, starting on Monday I’m a group leader for VBS! So basically I get to play with pre-schoolers all week. It’ll be wonderful. I’m really blessed for all of the opportunities I’ve been getting lately.

What’s coming up: Tomorrow I’m going on a three hour car ride up for my cousin’s birthday party, which should be fun. Taylor comes home on Sunday so I’ll get to see her and hang out during the week when I’m not at VBS. Then next weekend we’re going camping! That next week will be getting ready to go. That Saturday is my going away/graduation (late) party and then that Thursday I’m off! All of the sudden I’m busy and I am SO grateful for it because when I’m busy time goes by so much faster all while I’m enjoying what’s going on. Let me tell you, it’s a delicate balance between wishing time away and enjoying what’s happening right now, and it’s my constant battle right now.

 Hope y’all have a good weekend! 

Here’s the shoes I made today..